When you’re officially middle-aged and the world thinks you’re past it . . . past love, past sex, past writing contemporary journalism, you head down a black hole of depression, or you change, fight back and become the hottest date in LA.

Susan was born and educated in rural England, the only child of patient parents who tolerated her insatiable quest for knowledge. She spent many hours alone, which she credits to the development of a vivid imagination, that would serve her first career as a stage actor and her lifelong passion for writing.
She paused her acting career and founded her own business for the practical purpose of raising her three daughters as a single mother. All her daughters are smart, professional women and wonderful mothers. Susan claims that motherhood is her greatest achievement.

In 2002 Susan moved half way around the world to live and work in California. She entered the New York Film Academy to update her skills in the Television, Film and Screenwriting industry and rekindled her acting career, working as a screenactor in Hollywood. She joined Suzanne DeLaurentiis Productions in LA as part of their writing team and helped establish and promote the Cinema City International Film Festival, which is dedicated to promoting new writers and film makers.
"I believe in learning my craft by acquiring the skills to write well; a good education, practical knowledge and a keen eye for detail. Interesting life experiences are a bonus. Learning what makes us all so diverse and extracting the best and the worst of human traits to form characters...this is the fun. Life is like a recipe, with good ingredients the dish will be tasty. But if you add some spice, the dish will be spectacular. For me, the spice is 'passion'!"

Susan writes every day with dedication and passion. Like her characters, she has lived many lives, but she believes that if you follow your passion, you will live your best life.
Book Signing Events

Available from: www.rubylalaonline.co.uk



Review by: meandering joy.blogspot.com
Marathon Marina hosted a book signing for Susan Bacoyanis, author of There Are No Accidents.
I was available to attend a question and answer session under the Tiki Hut where I had the opportunity to meet Susan.
Susan was born in England and has a most lovely English accent to which one can listen for hours. There Are No Accidents is a psychological thriller through which themes of abuse, addictions and feminine resolve are intertwined with the plot.
The book is a series of three short stories which are linked together through interesting circumstances. There are twists and turns and surprises throughout the series which are sometimes wickedly humorous.

Susan's Books
Susan is published by Lume Books

Susan is represented by Bill Goodall
Twitter: BillGoodallLiteraryAgency

A Romantic Comedy
A Trilogy in One Volume
Book One - August Book Two - September Book Three - October

When you’re officially middle-aged and the world thinks you’re past it . . . past love, past sex, past writing contemporary journalism, you head down a black hole of depression, or you change, fight back and become the hottest date in LA.
For UK and EU
Available from: www.rubylalaonline.co.uk
A beautiful independant bouque in historic Farnham
Lucy-Anne Skylark believes in love...at any age. But on a decade changing birthday and in fear of losing her job, this middle-aged, divorced journalist hits rock bottom. A personal Ah-ha moment leads Lucy to subscribe to an Internet dating site, Love.Com which offers to refund her fee if she finds her soulmate within three months. After a night of overindulgence with her best friend, she finds an indecent profile, which she inadvertently sent to Love.Com profiling herself as a hot cougar woman. Lucy is horrified, but the idea inspires her to reinvent herself as a Cougar columnist, despite this derogatory term, which in 2016 the media still used to describe middle-aged women re-entering the dating scene.
In order to save her job, Lucy swallows her pride and pitches her idea to her boss, Camilla, who rewards her with a make-over and subscribes Lucy to her boyfriend's internet dating site to collect and write about dating experiences for the magazine. But Lucy clashes with Adam Grant, (Camilla's boyfriend) when he states that it's impossible for women her age to find love. He boasts that all men want young, sexy women and that middle-aged women are unattractive and past their prime.
Lucy is outraged! She challenges him to a bet and sets out with determination to prove him and the media wrong about their perception of middle-aged women finding love. But there is one more shock! Unbeknown to Lucy, Adam Grant just happens to be the CEO of Love.Com and unbeknown to both Camilla and her boyfriend Adam, Lucy now has two profiles on Love.Com— one personal and one for the magazine.
Managing one busy life is difficult enough, but managing two is almost impossible! Things become complicated when signs of a split personality begin to surface and Lucy questions who she really is…MsCougar or Lucy? Can she fight a business tycoon, the media and keep a level head? Or will she lose herself on this journey of self-discovery?

Book 3 in my Linked Series of psychological thrillers.
For UK and EU
Once you are part of the Mafia family… you can never leave. But Frances knew she had to get out. She defied the Godfather, escaped his clan in Southern Italy and flew to Geneva where she would be chaperoned by Gilda. A year earlier, she and Frances had formed a friendship while in California, when they were thrown together by circumstances involving the murder of Gilda's adult son, Gary.
"I’m asking you to write my biography. I can assure you that I have enough material to hold your interest…you won’t be bored," Gilda had told her. It wasn't boredom that concerned Frances, it was the fact that Gilda planned to reveal secrets that would ultimately endanger their lives.
Gilda offers Frances sanctuary in her home. In exchange, Frances agrees to stay with Gilda in Geneva and write her biography. She diligently records Gilda's words which describe the devastating physical abuse she's suffered,her life bound to the Mafia and her love of gold. Gilda reveals personal secrets never before divulged including a confession which, once known, will bring dire consequences. A story of a life enriched by love and devastated by sadness, loss and pain. But against all the odds Gilda is a survivor, driven by a passionate will to live, the strength to overcome adversity and the courage to seek revenge.
But the greater danger lies in writing a book that exposes the Mafia's unsolved crimes and the dignitaries involved; law-enforcement officers, Judges and politicians. With betrayal and revenge comes the expectation of retribution and the knowledge that the Mafia always seek vengeance.
Will either of them live beyond the publication of Gilda's dangerous revelations? Will Frances escape the Mafia again? Or as the saying goes, will they shoot the messenger… and that would be Frances!
The Judas Tree

Book 2 in my Linked Series of psychological thrillers.

Chosen as one of the best new books of 2018 across the genres.
A chilling story of multiple acts of betrayal and the consequences of greed.
UK and EU
Mary Webster’s reaction to her lover’s betrayal is off the chart…Mary seems like an ordinary 46-year-old divorcée, beginning a new life in rural England, but she has depths of pent-up pain, the result of 20 years of marital infidelities and abuse. All she needs is a trigger to unleash savage emotions.
When she becomes entangled with Jonas, a married man, Mary suddenly finds herself in the opposite role of the ‘other woman’. Jonas has a nasty streak, however, and taunts with the nursery rhyme ‘Mary, Mary quite contrary…’.
But when Mary uncovers Jonas’s web of seductive lies, betraying not only herself but his wife and several young village women, she plots her revenge and acts out the real meaning of the nursery rhyme…
As things go from bad to worse, Mary is driven over the edge of normality. Because Mary is not normal ... she is damaged. Her only redeeming quality is her belief that she is acting for the greater good …
Throughout my linked series I explore abuse in its various forms. Often the abusive acts are taken from real events which women have endured and I weave them into the novels. This helps to create awareness through fiction and bears witness to these abused women. Many women have told me that they've identified with my characters and it's enabled them to release their pain and move forward in their lives.
Please read my page, ‘Let’s Make a Difference'.
There Are No Accidents

Book 1 in my Linked Series of psychological thrillers.
In life there are no accidents...only consequences of our actions.
For UK and EU
In life THERE ARE NO ACCIDENTS, only consequences of our actions. When Frances, Lauren and Tom, independently face challenging decisions based on their emotions of fear, obsession and revenge, only two of them survive and form a relationship connected by the third, who neither met while she was alive.
Take three deaths
Add a large cup of fear
Stir in a tbsp. of obsession
Mix together three strangers
Sprinkle with the paranormal
Garnish with a slice of revenge

Coming Soon
Perfect Imperfection
A heartfelt story of imperfect love.

Reviews - Love❣️Com

Review by: Margaret Martin, United Kingdom
LOVE.COM is FABULOUS! 5.0 out of 5 STARS
It was an excellent read, really enjoyed it and looking forward to another book.
Congratulations Susan another great book!

Review by: KLBradleyReviews
When I started reading LOVE.COM, I vowed to maintain an open mind on the world of online dating for the sake of Lucy’s bet. I haven’t yet reached the middle-age category and I already knew the online dating world was a hard one to battle for any age, so Lucy’s strength and determination in the eye of rejection and deceit was empowering. Lucy’s character development from the beginning of the story to the end was insightful and made her character easy to like almost immediately. Her journey to self-discovery was remarkably inspirational and something that I think all women can relate to in their own journey to find themselves in a world surrounded by stereotypes and challenges to seek youthfullness.

LOVE.COM was my final read to end the year of 2020 and easily my favorite for the year. The author presents a story that engages readers with an exciting world of self-discovery and revelation, but with a sense of passion that can be felt by readers through Lucy’s emotional ride. Not only would LOVE.COM be a great recommendation for those who enjoy romance and comedy, but it’s also perfect for women of any age who are searching for love in a world where the photo-perfect persona is seemingly always preferred. LOVE.COM was the perfect read to end the year with and certainly something I will be recommending to all my friends. I’m so pleased to have had the opportunity to read and review for Susan Bacoyanis and rate LOVE.COM 4 out of 4 stars. This is a story that was so well portrayed by the scenes that I easily see the cinematic appeal, similar to the vibes I felt with The Devil Wears Prada.
Reviews -

Review by: Margaret Martin

Review by:
Dangerous Revelations review by Margaret Martin
5.0 out of 5 stars *Excellent* I have read all 3 of your books & they are brilliant.
Waiting for the next set of books.
Review by: Ocean Author
5.0 out of 5 stars Woman rises through adversity of male-dominated Mafia
Dangerous Revelations is the latest thriller in the captivating series by aspiring author Susan Bacoyanis. This skilled writer weaves a complex tale of strong women who, at first, struggle to survive adversity and male abuses, then rise beyond anyone’s expectations, even her own. Female readers are likely to pump their fists while protagonist Gilda ascends through the ranks of the Mafia, as the ‘made men’ watch her skilled maneuvering. As a male reader, I developed respect and momentum for Gilda as she succeeded where most men would have failed. More significantly, Ms. Bacoyanis has portrayed a woman’s inner challenges in a way that men can understand. As in the other novels of her linked series, the reader sits precariously on the edge of his/her seat in the last chapter, unable to guess which dangerous path her protagonist will dare take in the next novel; both will be arduous and surely dangerous.
Review by: Frank Watson - Writer
Interesting Story Using a Different Structure
In my book (so to speak) I always appreciate an original and interesting character. Susan Bacoyanis in DANGEROUS REVELATIONS provides just such a character: Gilda.
Gilda tells a fascinating story about how she started as a young Jewish girl in the Netherlands at the time of the Nazi invasion; survived the nightmare with her family using their wits; emigrated to America; and eventually returned to Italy, where she became a “Mafia queen”.
This story is told in first person in a voice where such an unlikely story seems plausible.
The author uses an approach that is rather different and interesting, though I wonder if it may not distract from Gilda’s compelling narrative. That is, the story is actually being told in first person by another character, Frances, who records the story verbatim in alternating sections.
I give Bacoyanis credit for thinking “outside the box” in this series.
Reviews - The Judas Tree

Review by:
THE JUDAS TREE Recommended by Devilishly Delicious on BookBub
Book This Week!
BookBub – recommendations - devilishlydelicious@devilishlydelicious
The Judas Tree
Susan Bacoyanis
Book Details
Wow! What a read! If you want a book that will keep you reading the pages into the night, this is the one for you! Mary has seen her fair share of heartbreak and betrayal. Her husband has left her and much of her time is taken up watching the neighbors; the handsome Jonas and his wife. She finds herself feeling attraction for this stranger that she knows is wrong, yet, she can’t stop herself. The more involved she gets, the more she discovers his flaws which become hard to ignore. He is an abuser and a betrayer. Something inside of her breaks and a brutal plot of revenge is born. This book is a psychological read the like of which I have never read before. It is a thriller, yet it is also a deep look inside of a woman who has been damaged. She really made me feel sorry for her and believe that she is doing these evil things for the greater good. She wants to make the abuser feel abused, and let me tell you, she really does a good job at that. One of my favorite aspects of this book was the parallels drawn between her and Mary Tudor. All of us know Mary did some really evil things, but I don’t think she was born evil. I think the world shaped her into the person she became. I think the same can be said of Mary in this book. Make sure as you are reading to note the importance of the title and the parallels with Judas, himself. If you want a book that will chill you to the bone and really make you think, The Judas Tree is a book not to be missed!!! This book was excellent from the beginning until the very end!
Reasons I enjoyed this book:
Action-packed/ Entertaining/ Haunting/ Original/ Page-turner/ Scary/ Twisted/ Unpredictable
Blog Tour · Review by Suckerforcoffee
The Judas Tree by Susan Bacoyanis
Review December 16, 2018 suckerforcoffe
Susan is a brilliant writer and this is a well-crafted, well written book that had me hooked from the first sentence. Lies, betrayal, secrets and a drama filled book.
You’ll love and be shocked by the genesis of the name Judas Tree. I was!
Do I recommend it? YES! I’m part of a blog tour organized by Endeavour Media Ltd. Publishing.
Machiavelli Quote - “If an injury has to be done to a man, it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared.”
My Take: It’s been a while since I picked up a thriller that I enjoyed as much as I did The Judas Tree. The book follows the story of Mary as told by Mary through a story. Basically, it’s a story within a story and I have to admit, I was fascinated by that more than anything.
What I liked: The historical aspect of the story. If you’ve been reading Suckerforcoffe for a while now you are probably aware of how much I love historical fiction. Mary’s inspiration in the book, is Mary Tudor also known as Mary I the Queen of England and if you know anything about this woman you know how extreme she was.
There were plot twists I didn’t see coming that had my heart racing. I’m talking of the twists that just sneak up on you, yet makes sense being there. Alongside that, even the predictable plot twists had me in suspense because they unravel so beautifully and just made my reading experience better.
The perfect coordination of the (2) nursery rhymes to the story. You have to read the book to understand how brilliant this concept is.
I have a love hate relationship with the characters especially Mary’s character. Reason being she actually does believe that she is ridding their little town off evil, but the extreme measures she takes to do that, phew!
What I didn’t like: Jonas. He is a sad, dark twisted man and even I, am afraid of him. . . and he’s just a book character!
Quote - “It’s a strange human failing that when a person is trusted, no one doubts their honesty.”

Twitter - World Through Books @mugdha9604
The Judas Tree Author : Susan Bacoyanis
Publisher : Endeavour Media: Genre : Mystery, Thriller
I have a leg for thrillers, so I agreed to read ” The Judas Tree ” and was happy to be a part of the blog tour for this book. The Judas Tree is the second book by the author Susan Bacoyanis and I must say that I loved reading it. Judas Tree or The Red Bud tree blooms in early spring, sprouting red buds directly from the bark. It looks as if it’s bleeding. It signified * BETRAYAL *
The Judas Tree is based on the concept of love conquers betrayal and is a thriller which will keep you on the edge. An amazing book with the elements of seduction, lies, betrayal, love and revenge. The book is a psychological thriller which would definitely keep you hooked till the end. The writing is so smooth and gripping that not even once did I get bored with the story.
The twists and turns are what I live for and the book does total justice to them. I love how the author has developed the characters. My personal favorite was of course Mary- she was soft, romantic, fierce and bold. The language was easy and understandable. The story is well narrated and the story is fast paced.
Recommended for the lover of thriller genre! @worldof.books_
Rating – 5 Stars
Review by:
Reviews - There Are No Accidents

Review by: Petra for Endevour Press

Clever and suspenseful
"In matters of life and death....there are no accidents". This book consists of three short stories - "Paranoia", "Cat Nap", and "The Journal" - which are seemingly stand-alone, but which cleverly link together to form a complete, well-plotted story. "Paranoia" was a definite five-star read. Written in the first-person perspective, this is the account of a woman who believes her husband wants her dead. I was completely gripped by this and kept wondering all the way through whether this was truly a case of paranoia. The ending was totally unexpected. In "Cat Nap", there is a different female protagonist, but she also finds herself in a difficult marriage and decides to write a journal detailing her broken relationship. Again, there were twists and turns that I didn't see coming. Finally, "The Journal" brings all three stories together and ties them up neatly. There is plenty of suspense, betrayal, manipulation, death, and lots of surprises. The writing was really good and the concept very inventive.

Review by: Caroline for Endeavour Press
There Are No Accidents is, in effect, made up of three different short stories which are linked together to form an intriguing novel.
The first part of the story is absolutely captivating. It is a psychological thriller and from beginning to end we are left wondering if the protagonist, Frances, is in real danger from her enigmatic husband or is instead a victim of her own paranoia. I totally loved this story and what a superb ending!
The second part of the novel involves a totally different character who has her own story. She is trapped inside a damaged relationship and is struggling to find a way to free herself. She takes to her diary to record her plight, unaware of just how crucial the journal will prove to be. This is another incredible story with strong characters and it is cleverly linked to the first.
Finally, we have part 3, in which both stories are truly interlinked and events are wrapped up neatly.
Overall, this is one of the best novels that I have read. I read it in one sitting on the day that I received it. Totally compelling with strong characterization and very well written.

Review by: Todd Simson Author
A Fantastic Story
Wow, this book really impressed me. It’s written in such a skilful way you can’t help be pulled into the story. Susan Bacoyanis has done a fabulous job in weaving each story together with a very clever and intense plot. I know how much I’m enjoying a book when I need to stop reading it for work and life’s other interruptions, then I’m excited when I start reading it again, and this is definitely one of those stories. In the first story, Frances realizes that she's becoming paranoid, when she suspects her husband and his CIA girlfriend Kelly, are both plotting to get rid of her. Surely, she is to be replaced by the younger women and this becomes evident when she finds that her life insurance policy has been changed recently from $50,000 payout to $500,000. Especially since she can’t remember signing for the change.
In the second story, Lauren Carter doesn’t know what to do. She thought her life was going well as an actress, and with her new husband Gary. That was until she began to realize that he was making a lot of excuses for being away from home. Lauren finds out that he’s a sex addict, and of course her first thought is to leave him. When she is suddenly murdered, he becomes the prime suspect. The police detective finds her journal, describing Gary's activities and he is sent to jail for the next 20 years. One day he is going to get out. . . and he’s not going to be happy.
It all comes together in the third story and is totally unpredictable.
This is a Thriller in every sense of the word. From start to finish this is an exceptional book, and I would certainly recommend it.


Dear Friends,
I invite you to join our conversation. Let me know your thoughts about my books and the characters I’ve created. Let’s discuss reading, writing and life. . . I’ll begin right now, with my thoughts on writing.
If you are a budding writer, read on! You will need to nourish your imagination, feed your mind with facts and train yourself to recognize detail. That’s just the foundation. Next, learn to read, taking in all meaning and vocabulary in all genres. Learn to write grammatically in your chosen language to the level of excellence. Devour the dictionary, using a wide variety of expressive words. Lastly, practice. Spend time writing, learn your craft and always seek perfection.
Good writing is a skill, driven by passion. Inspiration will stun your mind with reams of dazzling prose. It will strike at any hour of the day or night insistent in its quest to be recorded, so always carry a note book.
For years my unpublished manuscripts languished on dusty bookshelves while I earned a living. Now, my living is writing. They say that successful writers, are the ones who never gave up.
Best wishes,
Mike Wagner Radio Show

Susan had a 2021 Valentine's Day Podcast Interview on The Mike Wagner Radio Show. She spoke about her new book, LOVE❤COM... a Trilogy in One Volume. A cross between The Devil Wears Prada and a contemporary version of Bridget Jones's Diary. She also spoke about her other books, her special cause and how she got started writing.
Find Mike at iHeart Radio, podcast host of KFYR. Susan's Podcast will also be broadcast on - FaceBook, Soundcloud, Spotify, iHeart Radio, Anchor FM, Radio Public, Spreaker Radio, YouTube Channel, Podbean, Buzzsprout and The Mike Wagner Show.
Visit Susan's Blogs
Let's Make a Difference
Within my books, I explore the controversial subjects of abuse and sexual addiction. It is through our emotions that we express ourselves; we feel pain, fear, love and hatred. My fictional stories focus on women who have suffered abuse in all forms, verbal, emotional and physical. I allow my female characters to seek retribution and enact revenge. It may seem a strange stage for such a serious subject, but through fiction I believe I can help exorcise our feelings of pain and hopelessness by creating awareness. Abusive behavior is a choice. These men chose to be abusive in the home and charming in company. Most of us who have suffered abuse in one form or another, would like to seek some kind of retribution for the cruelty that was inflicted. Keeping silent only prolongs the pain. Creating awareness breaks that silence.

I have a plaque on my desk with the words
‘Success Is The Best Revenge’
I have a plaque on my desk with the words ‘Success Is The Best Revenge’ My success is your success. Together we can draw attention to the insidious practice of willful abuse by talking about it. If you are currently in an abusive relationship or have suffered abuse, please seek professional advice. There is an army of caring professionals waiting to help. Tell your family, your friends, your neighbors . . . shout about it! Abuse can only survive in silence and you have the power to break that silence.
Together we can make a difference, because
USA: National Domestic Violence Hotline – 1-800 799-7233 (1-800 799-SAFE)
and TTY: 1-800 787-3224
UK: Women’s Aid – 0808 2000-247
Australia: Women’s Aid – 1-800 737-732 (1-800 737-RESPSECT)
Worldwide: Visit - International Directory of Domestic Violence Agencies – for a global list of helplines and crisis centers.